The new home of EyeSpy Border Collies since 2014, the property features rolling green pastures, tall shady fir trees, active salmon spawning stream, and a stunning view of Sauk Mountain. The dogs are able to work sheep, geese, and ducks on a daily basis, and have plenty of room to develop and grow as they hone their herding skills.
20-acre working sheep farm nestled in the foothills of the cascade mountains
The new home of EyeSpy Border Collies since 2014, the property features rolling green pastures, tall shady fir trees, active salmon spawning stream, and a stunning view of Sauk Mountain. The dogs are able to work sheep, geese, and ducks on a daily basis, and have plenty of room to develop and grow as they hone their herding skills.

The farm usually has between 20 to 25 sheep with a mix of about half hair sheep (Katahdin and Dorper) and NCC and Commercial wools. The number fluctuates, rising in the spring with the start of lambing season. The sheep are primarily for the dogs to work so raising just a few lambs each year assures fresh sheep added to the flock.

The farm usually has between 20 to 25 sheep with a mix of about half hair sheep (Katahdin and Dorper) and NCC and Commercial wools. The number fluctuates, rising in the spring with the start of lambing season. The sheep are primarily for the dogs to work so raising just a few lambs each year assures fresh sheep added to the flock.

The farm usually has between 20 to 25 sheep with a mix of about half hair sheep (Katahdin and Dorper) and NCC and Commercial wools. The number fluctuates, rising in the spring with the start of lambing season. The sheep are primarily for the dogs to work so raising just a few lambs each year assures fresh sheep added to the flock.

As the home base of Wingin' It Goose Control, Sauk Mountain Farm keeps a variety of Indian Runner ducks and other fowl to keep potential goose control dogs busy learning to work birds in a controlled environment. Once the dogs have directional commands, a good stop and reliable call off the're ready to visit actual properties with nuisance Canada Geese.

The farm "employs" several livestock guardian dogs see to it that everyone is safe, sheep, ducks, geese, cats, dogs and puppies. John Wayne, Calamity Jane, and Dirty Hairy are on duty day and night working together to insure the safety of their charges. Coyote, bear, cougar, fox, birds beware! You'd best plan to dine somewhere safer.

John Wayne just turned 9 years old. He's a Maremma, a livestock guardian dog. The breed originated in Italy and is known for their calm nature around stock. All white and averaging 90 to 120 lbs they blend in with the stock. So Wile E. Coyote never knows they're there until it's too late!

Calamity Jane is John Wayne's best friend and side kick. She's only 80 lbs, on the smaller side for a Maremma but her size gives her the speed and agility to defend her flock from any bird of prey. She likes to think of birds as her specialty.

Calamity Jane is John Wayne's best friend and side kick. She's only 80 lbs, on the smaller side for a Maremma but her size give her the speed and agility to defend her flock from any bird of prey. She likes to think of birds as her specialty.

Who would have guessed a farm could have so many mice? Well, not anymore. Birdie, Marshall, Pat and Fish have all that under control. (And moles, too!)

Mama the resident horse, Quarter Horse/Arab, has a home for life on the farm. A rescue from Rodeo City Rescue, she spends her retirement eating, wandering the farm, eating, scratching her belly on the dogwood bush, eating, giving the occasional ride to the grandchildren and eating. You can't have a cook out without her.